Saturday, January 23, 2016

Carol Louise Moore, Mom to the Moore Sisters eats Takis

Okay, so I decided that I'm going to have me a blog with my name. This blog is mainly for me, Carol Louise with the last name of Moore. I am going to have this blog be for anything my heart desires, except my music, that is reserved for my C MOORE MUSIC. Plus, my Moore Soaps and Crafts and Natural Skincare Products I love to make. Other than those things, it is just for me, Carol Louise with the last name of Moore.

So, for my first post, I'd like to share my video I made of my experience eating a bag of Xtremely Hot Takis that I found left open on our couch. I had never ate one before, so out of curiosity I decided to try some.

Like I said before, this blog is for anything my heart desires. You'll never know what's going to come out of my mouth, even if it is still on fire. Just kidding.

Well, stay tuned for MOORE to come. I do believe I'm not even going to try to advertise this page as this will be mainly for my enjoyment and therapy with my personal fight to overcome my secret battle of depression while controlling my Mood disorder and ADHD.

P.S. My family thinks I'm vain for posting a video of myself talking and other things I do. I'm just telling you up front that I'm not vain, I'm just telling the facts and showing what's there. That's not vain at all. I happen to be a very humble person with humble surroundings. Of course, I must not be too humble if I'm telling you that I am. LOL.

Don't forget to check out the music from by talented daughters the Moore Sisters from Idaho.  

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