Wednesday, May 25, 2016

SOAP To Cleanse Our Spirits Not Just Our Bodies

I love making homemade soap. Soap that helps clean our bodies. So, why not use S.O.A.P. to help clean our spirits when we read the scriptures by

Searching the scriptures 
Observing the new within and finding ways to start
Applying it in our lives, and then
Praying about it

Further expansion on the ingredients to this inspiring anagram entail:

Search the scriptures
John 5:39
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."

Observe by looking for something and paying attention to detail and then finding ways to start to

Apply it in our lives and then

Pray to confirm the truthfulness therein and if we should be applying what we found

Job 22:27
Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows.

Further expansion on this is thinking on how I like to make sure my homemade soap is antibacterial and helps heal, protect and retain the moisture in our skin.

When thinking on this I realized that by studying the scriptures we are inviting the spirit of God into our lives and thus we are helping apply an antibacterial protection from the evil germs in our life. The evil germs I am talking about are really anything that will make our spirits dirty before the eyes of God. 

Yes, it is true, that by applying a little SOAP to cleanse your spirits, you will help your spirits to heal from our woes in life, protect from the unwanted woes in life and retain the good we did find into our lives. 

Overall, I really want you to remember that everytime you use soap to cleanse your bodies, I really want you to remember to use SOAP to cleanse your spirit. 

Sincerely me, Carol Louise 
with the last name of MOORE

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