Friday, July 15, 2016

A Saint is a Sinner Who Keeps On Trying

I might be a Saint, but I am not a perfect one. I still find myself sinning. 
I am a Saint who sins but is still trying. 
Trying to always Choose The Right 
Trying to keep God within my sight.
The following is part of a talk called
 "Latter Day Saints Keep On Trying" 
given by Dale G. Renlund.
"God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were. He cares that we keep on trying."
President Thomas S. Monson has taught:
“One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, 
for no failure ever need be final.”
 Dale G. Renlund further stated that:
"My invitation to all of us 
is to evaluate our lives, repent, and keep on trying. 
If we don’t try, we’re just latter-day sinners; 
if we don’t persevere, we’re latter-day quitters; 
and if we don’t allow others to try, 
we’re just latter-day hypocrites. 
As we try, persevere, and help others to do the same, 
we are true Latter-day Saints. 
As we change, 
we will find that God indeed cares a lot more about who we are 
and about who we are becoming 
than about who we once were."  

The rest of the talk can be located on 
May we continually try to Choose The Right
 And always keep God within our sight
Sincerely shared by me, 
Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE. 

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