Thursday, November 15, 2018

If you think you are too small to make a difference

 C Moore QUOTE Time
 I found this QUOTE and just had to make it MOORE colorful as a reminder that we really can make a difference. 
Now imagine what happens when a whole bunch of mosquitoes get together, instead of one. 
Though the one mosquito bite is still no fun. 
Yes, you can make a difference. 
It starts with just one. 
One vote
One opinion
One example
One act of kindness
One smile


With this in mind, I am trying to make a difference by helping people CMooreinspiration with me, 
Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE.

I am a full-time music teacher with cmoorekidsongs
Mom to the Moore Sisters from Idaho (Sarah Louise, Sharon, and Sabrina), 
Flute singing musician on cmooreflute
and Owner of cmooresoap and cmooreinspiration 
where you can C MOORE soap, crafts, quotes, and party favors with customized orders welcome.

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