Sunday, October 23, 2016

What is FEAR?

 It reminds me of the glass that is half empty or half full.

It is optimism or pessimism

It is positive or negative

It is good or bad.

It is getting bucked off a horse and not getting back on again or cowboying up and getting back on. 

It is choosing to wallow in self pity and being in a state of depression remembering a bad experience or it is looking for the good and moving forward and making a good story from what was a bad one.

It is facing everything and rising above that which scares us.
May we continually face our fears and

Sincerely me,
Carol Louise 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Good, Better, or BEST

This is what I learned in church today. 

So, I put it in my own words to help me focus on being the best I can be
and not settling for mediocrity
by saying I was being good or could have been better. 

Good, better or BEST
What do you choose when taking the test?
What is the test, you might say?
Why it is the tests in life 
The one's we get everyday 
Full of all kinds of different strife
It is up to us to choose which way
Be it Good, better or BEST
So, how will you take the test?

Notice the color codes? 
I was thinking of the traffic light codes, when I created this post.
Good is the red for stop, it is not the best.

Better is the yellow caution, still not best.
BEST is the green for this is where to be        

On our road to eternity
The color blue is for a calm relax and open your mind to being our best
In order to be our BEST
When taking our test
You know the test?
To be our BEST
Sincerely me,

Carol Louise 
with the last name of MOORE

and flute singing Musician from C Moore Flute