Sunday, October 23, 2016

What is FEAR?

 It reminds me of the glass that is half empty or half full.

It is optimism or pessimism

It is positive or negative

It is good or bad.

It is getting bucked off a horse and not getting back on again or cowboying up and getting back on. 

It is choosing to wallow in self pity and being in a state of depression remembering a bad experience or it is looking for the good and moving forward and making a good story from what was a bad one.

It is facing everything and rising above that which scares us.
May we continually face our fears and

Sincerely me,
Carol Louise 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Good, Better, or BEST

This is what I learned in church today. 

So, I put it in my own words to help me focus on being the best I can be
and not settling for mediocrity
by saying I was being good or could have been better. 

Good, better or BEST
What do you choose when taking the test?
What is the test, you might say?
Why it is the tests in life 
The one's we get everyday 
Full of all kinds of different strife
It is up to us to choose which way
Be it Good, better or BEST
So, how will you take the test?

Notice the color codes? 
I was thinking of the traffic light codes, when I created this post.
Good is the red for stop, it is not the best.

Better is the yellow caution, still not best.
BEST is the green for this is where to be        

On our road to eternity
The color blue is for a calm relax and open your mind to being our best
In order to be our BEST
When taking our test
You know the test?
To be our BEST
Sincerely me,

Carol Louise 
with the last name of MOORE

and flute singing Musician from C Moore Flute

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The 7UPS in Life

7UP is good.
So, how about the 7UPs in life?
The other day I got to thinking about the many UPs in life that we have. So, I did some brainstorming, and I ended up with 7 UPs. I thought of the refreshing drink 7UP in different flavors. Isn't it cool that we can have our 7UP drinks in different flavors? To me it shows that we have diversity, and we have a choice in life. With that being said, let me explain my thought process of the 7 UPs in life that are beneficial for us to be aware of in order to keep us looking UP in  hopefully the right direction.

1. Our first 7UP is to wake up. 

 There are two different connotations to waking up here. 
First is the obvious to literally wake up after a long night's sleep. 
The second is to wake up after catching yourself living in a monotonous daily routine or deep depression. It is to literally wake up and smell the roses as you realize that there is more to life than just breathing air, eating  and sleeping.
Are you truly awake in life or are you just getting by?
Sometimes people can wake up, but they don't want to get up.

2. Our second 7UP is to get up.

When I catch myself stuck in the daily grind of life, I find myself having to make myself get up. Personally, I think we all do sooner or later. Honestly, we kind of have no choice but to literally get up in order to go about living our daily routines. However, we can try to do so with a smile on our face and goals in mind. In fact, it would be very beneficial to apply my AMPS for spiritual energy at this point. My AMPS stand for Arise, Make Bed, Pray, Study Scriptures. I just love starting my day with my AMPS for spiritual energy because it helps me look forward to waking up and then getting up for the day.

3. Our third 7UP is to dress up.

I find I want to perform my best in life according to how I dress. Now, it really all depends on what your goals are for the day. ( cooking, cleaning, working in the yard, working at an office, etc.)
Remember that you can dress up, but are you dressing for success in what you want out of life? 
I know that I feel better, when I try to look my best no matter what the occasion.

4.Our fourth 7UP is to show up

Yes, it is definitely important to show up, 
especially if we have a job to go to. 
Now the question to ask is are you just showing up to show up and get by? 
This leads us to the fifth 7UP.

5.Our fifth 7UP is to live it up

You can show up in life, but are you living it up? 
Are you truly awake to live life to your full potential? 
Are you living it up with a smile on your face as you strive to go that extra mile?

6.Our 6th 7UP is to never give up

This 7UP in life says it all. We should never give up. 
Please try to always remember that we can get help whenever we want, if we always follow the seventh 7UP in life.

Our seventh 7UP is to always look up

Most importantly, 
are you always looking up for extra strength and guidance 
to help you not give up? 
Remember, we need to always look up to help us:
Wake up
Get up
Dress up
Show up
Live it up
And never
Give up

I just love the 7UPS in life, and I hope you do too.
Sincerely me,
Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE. Owner of MOORE Soaps and Crafts and Mom to the MOORE Sisters from Idaho.

Friday, July 15, 2016

A Saint is a Sinner Who Keeps On Trying

I might be a Saint, but I am not a perfect one. I still find myself sinning. 
I am a Saint who sins but is still trying. 
Trying to always Choose The Right 
Trying to keep God within my sight.
The following is part of a talk called
 "Latter Day Saints Keep On Trying" 
given by Dale G. Renlund.
"God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were. He cares that we keep on trying."
President Thomas S. Monson has taught:
“One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, 
for no failure ever need be final.”
 Dale G. Renlund further stated that:
"My invitation to all of us 
is to evaluate our lives, repent, and keep on trying. 
If we don’t try, we’re just latter-day sinners; 
if we don’t persevere, we’re latter-day quitters; 
and if we don’t allow others to try, 
we’re just latter-day hypocrites. 
As we try, persevere, and help others to do the same, 
we are true Latter-day Saints. 
As we change, 
we will find that God indeed cares a lot more about who we are 
and about who we are becoming 
than about who we once were."  

The rest of the talk can be located on 
May we continually try to Choose The Right
 And always keep God within our sight
Sincerely shared by me, 
Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The DRIVE Through Life Prayer

May we never get lost
No matter what the cost
May we always find our way
No matter what time of day
May we always Choose The Right
Keeping God within our sight
Furthermore I pray that we
Stay focused on our eternity
I came up with this prayer, when I posted a picture of my youngest daughter Sabrina Moore driving and received MOORE Inspiration later on that night and early morning in which I expanded on it here.
My husband let Sabrina Moore drive the other day because she has her permit now. So, he takes this picture of her, sends it to me and says, "pray for me". Now that's a father's faith, right there. Especially coming from a "MOOREman". JK. 
He did that with all our kids, when they started driving. Lol.
Okay, I have a confession. I was praying too, when my kids were driving, 
and I'm still praying for them as they drive through the different stages of life. 
I pray that they don't get lost, don't have an accident, and that they always drive safely. I pray that they always drive with peace of mind and extra guidance from above. I pray they stay focused on their eternal destination in life.
And this is how I got my inspiration for "The Drive Through Life Prayer".
Sincerely me, Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Are You A Cow?

The picture says it all. 

Definitely MOORE funny than MOORE inspiring. 
Honestly though, anyone who doesn't have the heart to like a cow, 
it's probably because they really are one. Lol. I'm just teasing. 
I really mean no offense at all. 
This is just my MOORE logic at work here. 
A cow is an animal and a creature made from God. 
Are we not supposed to love all God's creatures? 
So, if there is someone who really doesn't like cows,
 I am probably correct in my assumption that they are one, in a figurative matter of speech.
So, I stand by my MOORE logic and I say this is MOORE funny, right there. LOL
I actually got the idea for this when a friend posted the following picture on Facebook:

However, my brain wanted to read it my MOORE way of thinking. 
And that is how I came up with my idea. 
Sincerely me, Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE

Monday, June 20, 2016

Think I'm Possible Not Impossible

It is all in the perspective.
It is optimism at it's best.
This reminds me of looking at a glass 
that is filled to the middle. 
You either think it is half empty or half full.
 It is all in the perspective.
So, what are you going to think? 
Hopefully you will

Sincerely me, Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE,

Sunday, June 19, 2016

A Heart of GOLD

May we never be too old

To have a heart of GOLD

I have a prayer just for you
To help you in all you do
May a heart of GOLD you find
In order to stay kind
Every single day
For this is the way
For true happiness to be
On our road to eternity
May we never be too old
To have a heart of GOLD


The GOODNESS within
Keeps us from sin
The OPTIMISM helps us see
All the good that we can be
The LOVE keeps us strong
And getting along
Helping our DREAMS to come true
And know what we should do
To have a heart of GOLD
That could never be sold

May we never be too old
To have a heart of GOLD.
May that heart always be true, 
and always show the real you.

Inspiration by me, Carol Louise 
with the last name of MOORE.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

3 Bones of Survival

There are some bones to help you survive
And perhaps to help you thrive
Through the unexpected woes of life
Or ups and downs of daily strife

What are these bones, you might say?
These bones that help us be this way.
Well, here they are
I have three, so far
Funny bone
Back bone
Wish bone

The funny bone to help you smile
The back bone to endure for awhile
The wish bone to help make dreams come true
And all these bones are there to help you

Written by me, Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE

owner of Moore Soaps and Crafts
And mom to the MOORE SISTERS from Idaho

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Don't Forget To END Your Day With Prayer

I've been doing so good at remembering to start my day by charging my batteries with my spiritual energy AMPS. It has made a tremendous difference in my life. 

So, I wanted to come up with another special anagram to help me remember to END my day with prayer. I was then inspired to use the word END to help me remember how important it is to END my day with prayer.

Decompress with a prayer

Decompress means to calm down and relax from another blessed day here on earth.

Whether life is or isn't fair
You should always
Decompress with prayer

Job 22:27
Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows.

Proverbs 15:8 & 9
"...but the prayer of the upright is his delight.
9. The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness."

Remember that Everyone Needs to End their day with prayer. 

Most importantly,
Don't Forget your spiritually energizing
AMPS to start your day as well. 

SOAP To Cleanse Our Spirits Not Just Our Bodies

I love making homemade soap. Soap that helps clean our bodies. So, why not use S.O.A.P. to help clean our spirits when we read the scriptures by

Searching the scriptures 
Observing the new within and finding ways to start
Applying it in our lives, and then
Praying about it

Further expansion on the ingredients to this inspiring anagram entail:

Search the scriptures
John 5:39
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."

Observe by looking for something and paying attention to detail and then finding ways to start to

Apply it in our lives and then

Pray to confirm the truthfulness therein and if we should be applying what we found

Job 22:27
Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows.

Further expansion on this is thinking on how I like to make sure my homemade soap is antibacterial and helps heal, protect and retain the moisture in our skin.

When thinking on this I realized that by studying the scriptures we are inviting the spirit of God into our lives and thus we are helping apply an antibacterial protection from the evil germs in our life. The evil germs I am talking about are really anything that will make our spirits dirty before the eyes of God. 

Yes, it is true, that by applying a little SOAP to cleanse your spirits, you will help your spirits to heal from our woes in life, protect from the unwanted woes in life and retain the good we did find into our lives. 

Overall, I really want you to remember that everytime you use soap to cleanse your bodies, I really want you to remember to use SOAP to cleanse your spirit. 

Sincerely me, Carol Louise 
with the last name of MOORE

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sarah Moore from Moore Sisters Shares her Light by Choosing The Right

I just have to share my favorite post so far for 2016 from my daughter Sarah Moore.

"Life is perfect for none of us, 

and at times the challenges and difficulties we face 

may become overwhelming, causing our light to dim. 

However, with help from our Heavenly Father, 

coupled with support from others, 

we can regain that light 

which will illuminate our own path once again 

and provide the light others may need" 

President Thomas S. Monson

Sarah is very musical, talented, sweet, polite, 
and she is always striving to "Choose The Right" 
May she always illuminate and share the light
and may she always Choose The Right 

For an update on Sarah's other inspirational posts check out her Blog by clicking here.
For an update on her latest adventures with her music check out her Facebook Page by clicking here.
The following story I wrote for my Sarah Louise, when she was little. I've written at least one story for each of my six kids. Sarah has another Christmas story I wrote that I really love. You can find that one on her blog page.
One day I would love to have my stories I have written published, especially the ones I have written for my MOORE children. 
Sarah Louise
written by me, Carol Louise
copyright 2004

There is a girl who is so polite
Her name is Sarah Louise
And because she wanted to “Choose The Right”
She learned to say the word “PLEASE”
“Pleased to meet you, long time no see.”
“Please won’t you come meet my family.”
“Please meet my sisters and little brother.”
“Please meet my father and my mother.”
“Please may I go out and play?”
“I’m pleased to see such a lovely day.”
But did you know there actually was a time
That sweet Sarah Louise
Felt it was a most frightful crime
To even say the word “Please”
Not to you nor me
Or her own family
There was just no way
That word she would say

Instead she would make these rude demands
That sounded more like military commands
“Give me this.”
“Give me that.”
“Now give me a kiss.”
“And get my hat.”
“Hand me that sweater.”
“Pass over that drink.”
Saying “Please” would be better.
What do you think?
Well, this is when people would start to run
Whenever they would see Sarah Louise
For she was no longer any fun
Because she would never say the word “Please”
Not to you nor me
Or her own family
There was just no way
That word she would say
Until one uneventful day
She realized that no one would even play
With a child that wouldn’t say “Please.”
Yes, a child named Sarah Louise.
And ever since that day
She learned to be MOORE polite
Because she wanted others to play
With her, and wanted to “Choose The Right”
Now it would seem to me
That Sarah Louise,
Knew just what to do.
When she learned to use “PLEASE”
With everyone she knew.
“Please would you open the door?”
And “please will you give me more
Of that there milk in the jug?”
“Now please may I have a hug?”
So, do you think Sarah Louise
Is ever so polite?
And all because she learned to say “Please”
And wanted to Choose The Right
Sincerely written by me, Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

There is MOORE to Me Than Meets the Eye by Carol Louise Moore

There really is MOORE to me than meets the eye. That's if you can find me. LOL
What do I love?
I love teaching music in Payette, Idaho to Kindergarten through 5th grades because I really really
love music MOORE. I will need to find a picture of me teaching music and post it here. I also love...
creating MOORE Soaps at
Handcrafted Wedding Soaps.
Handcrafted Wedding Soaps. You Choose Design, Color, and Fragrance
and  I love creating MOORE Crafts for my business
Crafts like these cute adorable Baby Jesus Star ornaments.
Baby Jesus Ornaments

 I love creating music with my flute and singing.
You can find me on YouTube under cmooreflute

 I love creating stories and poetry.
 Stories like, "Dancing Sabrina"

Overall, I just love creating things. 

However, there is MOORE to me than creating things that I love.

I love being with my family, 

Going to Church and helping others

Riding MOORE horses

Posing while hunting. LOL
Moore Hunting

MOORE rafting

MOORE Fishing and...
MOORE Four-wheeling

I love all those things even MOORE when I am with my husband because I love him MOORE. 

You could even say my husband loves to push me around. I have proof right here. LOL. 

Basically, I owe my husband for giving me the MOORE name that I love to use MOORE. Now that is what I call MOORE funny, right there. Lol 

The question now to ask is, "How do I do all these things I love, come up with MOORE amazing creativity and keep my sanity?" 

My answer is this, "With God nothing is impossible. I owe my creativity, creations, and the created me to the ‘Creator’."

Now you know that there really is MOORE to me than meets the eye.

Sincerely me, Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE