Thursday, November 15, 2018

If you think you are too small to make a difference

 C Moore QUOTE Time
 I found this QUOTE and just had to make it MOORE colorful as a reminder that we really can make a difference. 
Now imagine what happens when a whole bunch of mosquitoes get together, instead of one. 
Though the one mosquito bite is still no fun. 
Yes, you can make a difference. 
It starts with just one. 
One vote
One opinion
One example
One act of kindness
One smile


With this in mind, I am trying to make a difference by helping people CMooreinspiration with me, 
Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE.

I am a full-time music teacher with cmoorekidsongs
Mom to the Moore Sisters from Idaho (Sarah Louise, Sharon, and Sabrina), 
Flute singing musician on cmooreflute
and Owner of cmooresoap and cmooreinspiration 
where you can C MOORE soap, crafts, quotes, and party favors with customized orders welcome.

Monday, November 5, 2018

CMoore FUNnay Monday Vacuum and Circle Jokes

A month ago I decided to start posting one or two jokes
that should be FUNnay 
and I will do so on a Monday
in order to start our week in a FUN way. 
I started posting them on my CMooreinspiration Facebook page

I then started throwing in some Did you know...? jokes 
that I think are FUNnay
and I am going to post them also on a Monday
In order to help start our week in a FUNway 

Thus concludes my post for today. 
It should show I posted it on a Monday.
Next will be my Tuesday Word Day

I know, crazy me.
This is MOORE for my therapy.

Have a great week!
Sincerely, me
Carol Louise
with the last name of MOORE

I am a full-time music teacher with cmoorekidsongs, mom to the Moore Sisters from Idaho (Sarah Louise, Sharon, and Sabrina), flute singing musician on cmooreflute, and owner of cmooresoap and cmooreinspiration where you can C MOORE soap, crafts, quotes, and party favors with customized orders welcome.

Friday, May 25, 2018

When Life Leaves You Hanging, Don't Quit ABC's

The following is the ABC's of Life
To Help Us With Our Strife
And was not originally written by me
But by Mrs. Stewart
with the first name of Meiji

When Life Leaves You Hanging… DON’T QUIT
Anything can happen.
Bend, don’t break.
Challenge your potential
Destiny is a choice.
Effort creates opportunities
Follow your intuition.
Get back up and try again.
Hold on to your vision.
Impress yourself.
Just dig a little deeper
Keep knocking on doors.
Learn from mistakes.
Motivate with compassion.
Nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Own a positive attitude.
Problems hold messages.
Question what’s not working.
Regroup when you need to.
Stand up for your principles.
Think outside the box.
Unite perseverance with resolve.
Value knowing when to walk away.
Work smarter, not just harder.
Xhaust all possibilities.
You can, if you think you can.
Zzzz’s, take naps as needed.

Written by Meiji Stewart

Monday, May 8, 2017

The 3 C's in Life by Carol Louise Moore

The picture says it all. I just love these 3 C’s in life.
Yes, we have a Choice to take Chance in order to Change.

With these 3 C’s on my mind, I went to a Women’s Stake conference church meeting on February 25th, 2017 and a lady was giving a cool talk about some things to avoid in life.

This talk led me to the:

I do believe those C’s say it all.

So, now you have MOORE inspiration to
about the C’s in life to use or avoid.

I hope you like to cmooreinspiration 
with me, Carol Louise Moore.

This blog helps me to definitely cmooreinspiration and 
keep trying to stay optimistic by looking for inspiring quotes 
and then sharing it with those who want to C.
To whomever took the time to read this, thank you.

I am a full-time music teacher with cmoorekidsongs, mom to the Moore Sisters from Idaho (Sarah Louise, Sharon, and Sabrina), flute singing musician on cmooreflute, and owner of cmooresoap and cmooreinspiration where you can C MOORE soap, crafts, quotes, and party favors with customized orders welcome.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

What is FEAR?

 It reminds me of the glass that is half empty or half full.

It is optimism or pessimism

It is positive or negative

It is good or bad.

It is getting bucked off a horse and not getting back on again or cowboying up and getting back on. 

It is choosing to wallow in self pity and being in a state of depression remembering a bad experience or it is looking for the good and moving forward and making a good story from what was a bad one.

It is facing everything and rising above that which scares us.
May we continually face our fears and

Sincerely me,
Carol Louise 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Good, Better, or BEST

This is what I learned in church today. 

So, I put it in my own words to help me focus on being the best I can be
and not settling for mediocrity
by saying I was being good or could have been better. 

Good, better or BEST
What do you choose when taking the test?
What is the test, you might say?
Why it is the tests in life 
The one's we get everyday 
Full of all kinds of different strife
It is up to us to choose which way
Be it Good, better or BEST
So, how will you take the test?

Notice the color codes? 
I was thinking of the traffic light codes, when I created this post.
Good is the red for stop, it is not the best.

Better is the yellow caution, still not best.
BEST is the green for this is where to be        

On our road to eternity
The color blue is for a calm relax and open your mind to being our best
In order to be our BEST
When taking our test
You know the test?
To be our BEST
Sincerely me,

Carol Louise 
with the last name of MOORE

and flute singing Musician from C Moore Flute

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The 7UPS in Life

7UP is good.
So, how about the 7UPs in life?
The other day I got to thinking about the many UPs in life that we have. So, I did some brainstorming, and I ended up with 7 UPs. I thought of the refreshing drink 7UP in different flavors. Isn't it cool that we can have our 7UP drinks in different flavors? To me it shows that we have diversity, and we have a choice in life. With that being said, let me explain my thought process of the 7 UPs in life that are beneficial for us to be aware of in order to keep us looking UP in  hopefully the right direction.

1. Our first 7UP is to wake up. 

 There are two different connotations to waking up here. 
First is the obvious to literally wake up after a long night's sleep. 
The second is to wake up after catching yourself living in a monotonous daily routine or deep depression. It is to literally wake up and smell the roses as you realize that there is more to life than just breathing air, eating  and sleeping.
Are you truly awake in life or are you just getting by?
Sometimes people can wake up, but they don't want to get up.

2. Our second 7UP is to get up.

When I catch myself stuck in the daily grind of life, I find myself having to make myself get up. Personally, I think we all do sooner or later. Honestly, we kind of have no choice but to literally get up in order to go about living our daily routines. However, we can try to do so with a smile on our face and goals in mind. In fact, it would be very beneficial to apply my AMPS for spiritual energy at this point. My AMPS stand for Arise, Make Bed, Pray, Study Scriptures. I just love starting my day with my AMPS for spiritual energy because it helps me look forward to waking up and then getting up for the day.

3. Our third 7UP is to dress up.

I find I want to perform my best in life according to how I dress. Now, it really all depends on what your goals are for the day. ( cooking, cleaning, working in the yard, working at an office, etc.)
Remember that you can dress up, but are you dressing for success in what you want out of life? 
I know that I feel better, when I try to look my best no matter what the occasion.

4.Our fourth 7UP is to show up

Yes, it is definitely important to show up, 
especially if we have a job to go to. 
Now the question to ask is are you just showing up to show up and get by? 
This leads us to the fifth 7UP.

5.Our fifth 7UP is to live it up

You can show up in life, but are you living it up? 
Are you truly awake to live life to your full potential? 
Are you living it up with a smile on your face as you strive to go that extra mile?

6.Our 6th 7UP is to never give up

This 7UP in life says it all. We should never give up. 
Please try to always remember that we can get help whenever we want, if we always follow the seventh 7UP in life.

Our seventh 7UP is to always look up

Most importantly, 
are you always looking up for extra strength and guidance 
to help you not give up? 
Remember, we need to always look up to help us:
Wake up
Get up
Dress up
Show up
Live it up
And never
Give up

I just love the 7UPS in life, and I hope you do too.
Sincerely me,
Carol Louise with the last name of MOORE. Owner of MOORE Soaps and Crafts and Mom to the MOORE Sisters from Idaho.